Hybris Blackbelt
Ich bin ein Senior Java Developer und ein zertifizierter SAP Hybris Spezialist, mit einem Master in Informatik und 8 Jahren Erfahrung in der Entwicklung von E-Commerce-Anwendungen. Ich strebe nach Perfektion, Präzision und Qualität, und ich bin stark in der Kontrolle und liefere konsistente Ergebnisse.
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Sly Connect is in its third major release. The algorithm has been optimized, resulting in improved overall accuracy. Click above to learn more!
From e-procurement startup to DirectUP to Sly Connect: discover how our partnership with Angst + Pfister created a leading SaaS solution. (117 chars)
As a software design approach, microservice architecture involves constructing an extensive software application as a series of modular components. Components can be deployed independently and are designed to perform specific functions. Here are 9 reasons to choose microservices!