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Napha Solimine

New office and Christmas dinner

New office and Christmas dinner

In November 2022, Sly AG officially moved into the new office in Gubelstrasse. It is larger, brighter and has more meeting rooms. It took us some time to complete all the work. Let us guide you through the whole process from the very beginning.

The start

A year ago, due to the continued growth of the company, we decided to move and look for a bigger office. After a few months of searching for locations in Oerlikon, we finally had a long list of office buildings. 

We visited many places. There were a few offices we liked, but their conditions did not meet our needs, so we continued to visit other offices until we finally came across Gubelstrasse. It has spacious rooms and is located in Oerlikon in a prime location, only 5 minutes walk from the train station.

In June, we visited the new office in Gubelstrasse for the first time.

Interior design and planning stage

In summer of 2022 we signed the contract, contacted construction companies and started planning the interior. A lot of improvement cycles later, the plan for our interior design was ready, as you can see in the plan below.

Final interior design

Construction and moving

The construction companies started in October, and they worked hard to meet the deadline. During this time, we began to pack what we could in the old office and we realized that we had more stuff than we thought.

These were boxes we prepared for the moving company.

On November 24 at 7am, we finished packing and were waiting for the moving company. They came half an hour later and started with their part. With a very professional team and equipment, they managed to finish the job by mid-afternoon. A big thank you here to Remove DT GmbH!

Moving in

After several months of preparation, we finally moved in. Although it's only been a few weeks since we moved, our team already feels very comfortable in our new office.

We agree that having three meeting rooms allows us to work more efficiently, both for customers and within the team. It doesn't have to be a meeting to use the space, just a small phone call or a quiet room to talk when you need a private corner. 

One of the small meeting rooms, named “Hive”
The big meeting room “Mascotte”

Nothing boosts productivity like a break room. A quick nap on the couch or a game of table football with the team will definitely help to refresh your energy. But that's not all, we also offer a snack bar, a variety of drinks and coffee corner.

Christmas dinner and office warming party

Christmas dinner and office warming party took place on the 14th of December at Gubelstrasse. We played a few rounds of billiards at Golden8 and then went to the new office for dinner. This year we ordered food from a “Hong kong restaurant” in Oerlikon. Food was delicious, there were almost no leftovers at the end. 

We hope you had fun joining us on this tour and we wish you all a Merry Christmas ! 

We would like to thank our team and customers for making this possible. 

If you need help with e-commerce, or would like to invite yourself for a coffee in our new office, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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