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9 Reasons to choose microservices

9 Reasons to choose microservices

As a software design approach, microservice architecture involves constructing an extensive software application as a series of modular components. Components can be deployed independently and are designed to perform specific functions. In comparison to traditional monolithic software architectures, this approach offers several benefits, including the following:

  1. Increased flexibility and scalability: Microservices can be developed, tested, and deployed independently of the rest of an application, increasing flexibility and scalability. Modularity makes it possible to change specific aspects of an application without having to affect the entire application. As a result, individual components can also be scaled as needed.

  2. Improved reliability: Microservice architectures allow fault-tolerant design patterns to be incorporated into the system, such as circuit breakers, which can prevent cascading failures and enhance overall reliability.

  3. Enhanced maintainability: Microservice architectures are easier to maintain and update because they are well-defined and have a limited scope; therefore, it is easier to identify and fix problems. Maintaining and updating the application can be made easier by using this approach.

  4. Greater agility: By deploying microservices independently, teams can work on different aspects of their applications simultaneously, reducing the time spent developing and deploying the application.

  5. Improved resilience: In the event of a malfunctioning microservice, the rest of the application is still able to perform as planned with proper isolation. This can help reduce the impact of failures and improve the system's overall resilience.

  6. Enhanced security: By breaking down an extensive application into smaller, independent components, security measures can be implemented at the microservice level, reducing the attack surface of the entire process and improving overall security.

  7. Improved team efficiency: Microservice architecture enables teams to work on specific portions of an application in a smaller, more focused manner, which leads to increased productivity.

  8. Better use of resources: Using microservices within an application allows for the implementation of different technologies and tools for different parts of the application, resulting in greater efficiency and effectiveness of an organization.
  9. Greater cost-effectiveness: Microservices make it easier to diagnose and fix problems within a particular component, reducing maintenance and updating costs over time. As a result, each component can be scaled independently as needed.

Ultimately, microservice architectures can benefit organizations by allowing them to build more flexible, scalable, and reliable software applications, which are also easier to maintain and update in the future.

Our focus at Sly AG is on decoupling these complex applications and services in order to ensure that they perform their functions independently. The first step is to determine how tightly coupled these modules are, and what the significant benefits are at the earliest stages. Through consultation, Sly aims to gain a deeper understanding of your architecture and where decoupling may be of most benefit.

Let’s get started. As part of our e-commerce services, we work closely with our customers to achieve their goals. Our team has extensive experience working with customers seeking to improve their e-commerce operations. As a result of our work, we have found that our customers have reported significant gains in efficiency, simplicity, and responsiveness. If you are interested in learning more about microservices and how Sly can help you enhance your e-commerce objectives, please contact us today: or +41 (0) 44 552 72 72. If you would like to have a coffee with us, feel free to visit us in Zürich Oerlikon.

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