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A collection of posts about Illustration and our creative process.


TecHUB - The Swiss IT Business Network

To strengthen small IT companies, freelancers and IT startups, we founded and successfully launched a Swiss IT business network called TecHUB Swiss.


3 Years of Sly Commerce

We celebrate three years of Sly Ecommerce Development. In the past years we achieved great results amongst numerous Projects.


Christmas Event 2019

The dream of flying, the joy of weightlessness. The anticipation before the jump, and then the absolutely awesome feeling of free-falling.


Welcome to Sly!

Let's get ourselves underway! Welcome to Sly!

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Software Development

Swiss Made Software

Have you ever wondered what the 'swiss made software' label is all about and why this seal is important for us and the Swiss market? 🇨🇭

Ecommerce Trends

Headless Ecommerce

Curious why ecommerce lost its head? Why you need headless ecommerce to stay competitive? A headless ecommerce architecture leverages the power of modularity to serve store owners with...

Ecommerce Trends

How we built VELOX - The Ecommerce Swiss Army Knife

During the lockdown in Switzerland we developed VELOX, our very own open-source headless ecommerce foundation based on microservices. This will form the base for modern, custom eCommerce implementations. Learn more about our solution first-hand.